Effects of Alcohol on the Brain
It can be easy to accept an alcoholic beverage without thinking through the consequences of how it is affecting your brain, but if you have a tendency towards drinking frequently then it is important to understand the damage that excessive drinking can have. What are some of the effects of alcohol on the brain?
Short-Term Effects
It is clear that alcohol affects the brain, as you can tell by witnessing what people will do after a few drinks. They begin to have trouble walking, slurred speech, difficulty remembering what happened, and impaired judgement.
All of these are due to the alcohol making changes within the brain, but these short-term effects aren’t the only problem that arises from drinking alcohol frequently. While many may purposely get drunk for the short-term numbness or forgetfulness, they often don’t consider the long term effects of alcohol on the brain.
Variance in Vulnerability

In severe cases, alcoholism can cause dementia.
According to NIH, the effects of alcohol on the brain varies from person to person, and a person’s vulnerability to alcoholism is dependent upon many variables. These variables include age, gender, drinking history, nutrition, and current health of specific brain regions.
Although alcoholism does not affect everyone in the same way, many severe cases exist with alcoholics suffering from dementia due to the hindrance of their memory capabilities. If you or a loved one are suffering from issues arising from substance abuse, just call 888-821-1257 Who Answers? to speak with a caring specialist today.
Effects on Adolescents
A study reported by collegedrinkingprevention.gov shows research that the adolescent brain is more vulnerable to memory problems and extensive brain damage due to alcohol than the adult brain is. This is because the adolescent brain is in a stage of restructuring, as they are developing into an adult, and the alcohol’s changes are much more likely to cause damage.
This same research also shows that adolescents may be much less sensitive to the short-term effects of alcohol versus adults, and that they display better motor coordination and balance. This lesser sensitivity to short-term effects may work in an adolescent’s harm, however, as they may drink more without any major impacts, and they may not realize the long-term consequences until they have gone too far.
Is it Permanent?
Although long-term causes can be severe and lasting in some cases, such as patients with dementia, the good news is that this is not the case for every alcoholic. Recovery is always an option, and if you or a loved one are struggling with alcoholism, then you may want to consider treatment before any more severe brain damage occurs.
There are many different options offered by physicians to help deal with any changes that alcohol may made to your brain, and rehab centers or support groups are extremely beneficial in your recovery process.
You or your loved one can begin this recovery process today by simply calling 888-821-1257 Who Answers? to speak with a specialist about any questions or concerns you may have. You can find treatment that works for you to prevent alcohol from having any further damaging effects on your brain, and find a healthier lifestyle once again.
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