Are You a Woman Suffering from Addiction? Ask Yourself These 11 Questions
Denial is a big component of addiction. When your brain and body are dependent upon drugs and/or alcohol, they demand that you supply them with the substances that they require. But, it’s natural to have reservations about consuming substances you know are unhealthy. Denial allows you to ignore those reservations.
Whether you are comparing yourself to others to minimize the amount of drinking you do or pointing out that you show up to work every day regardless of drug use, you are denying a problem. Women also tend to maintain denial with tenacity because they have many responsibilities in the home that they feel define them. If they can keep up with their commitment to home and family, they may give themselves permission to keep using.
If you are a woman who fears she may be dealing with an addiction, asking yourself some tough questions can help you determine whether or not you have a problem. The following questions are drawn from the criteria established by the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the guide produced by the American Psychiatric Association and used to make a diagnosis.
If you already know there is a problem, you can forego answering the questions and jump ahead to making an important phone call. Call 888-821-1257 Who Answers? to connect with an expert who can connect you with a rehab for women. Women have special needs and they deserve a rehab center designed to acknowledge and serve those needs.
Are Using More Than You Plan To?

If substance abuse is taking over your life, get help today!
Do you find yourself using drugs or alcohol in larger amounts than you planned or for longer durations?
Are You Unable to Limit Your Use?
Have you tried to use less and failed to?
Are You Spending All Your Time Being Affected by Your Substance Use?
Do you spend most of your time getting drugs and/or alcohol, using drugs and/or alcohol, and recovering from your use?
Are You Experiencing Cravings?
Do you get urges to use that are so intense that you can’t think of anything else?
Are You Using Even Though It Is Causing Problems?
Do you have work, family, and/or social responsibilities that you fail to complete because of drug and/or alcohol use? Missing work? Neglected children? Chores unfinished?
Are You Having Social Problems Because of Your Substance Use?
Do you have substance use related interpersonal problems? Arguments with family? Lost friendships?
Are You Ignoring Social Activities Because of Substance Use?
Do you find yourself ignoring recreational and social activities because of substance use? Less time with family? Church activities missed?
Are You Using Substances When They Place You in Direct Danger?
Do you repeatedly use drugs and/or alcohol in situations that place you in physical danger? Driving? Cooking? Operating machinery?
Are You Experiencing Physical or Psychological Problems or Having Existing Ones Worsen Because of Substance Use?
Do you feel increasing anxiety or depression because of substance use? Physical disorders?
Are You Experiencing Tolerance?
When people experience tolerance, they need to abuse larger amounts of a substance to get the same effect you used to. Using the same amount produces less of an effect. This is a sign of chemical dependence.
Are You Experiencing Withdrawal Symptoms?
Do you feel unpleasant physical or mental symptoms when you stop using your substance of choice? Those are withdrawal symptoms and many women keep using to keep them at bay. Each substance comes with its own set of general symptoms, which vary from the feelings of a mild cold to life threatening. Every person will have a different set of side effects manifest because of factors like:
- Substance used
- Amounts used
- Length of use
- General health
Per the DSM, addiction is a “maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress.” If you answered yes to three or more questions, you are likely dealing with a mild addiction. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the number of criteria met determines whether your substance use disorder is mild, moderate, or severe.
One of your best options for recovery success is rehab for women. Staff and clinicians in these rehab programs are specially trained to deal with women’s issues and this both allows for more specialized and more profound care. To learn more about how a women’s rehab could help you beat your addiction, call 888-821-1257 Who Answers?. There isn’t any reason to wait. Experts are available 24 hours a day.
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